
This page introduces the basic usage with the predefined classes and the generic setup of the code.

Operator Types

The simplest way to include the DanceQ library is the following:

/* Maximal number that can be encoded in the basis class */
#define MaxSites 64

/* Local Hilbert space dimension */
#define Q 2

/* ScalarType for computation */
#define ScalarType std::complex<double>

#include "DanceQ.h"
using namespace danceq;

Including the header file and specifying the maximal number of sites that are potentially encoded, MaxSites (Default: 64), the local Hilbert space dimension, Q (Default: 2), and the scalar type, ScalarType (Default: std::complex<double>) defines different Operator class. That is all!

The header file:

defines Lindbladian and Hamiltonian versions of the Operator class as well as the corresponding matrix-free shells:

namespace danceq{

    /* Definition of the Hamiltonian class from the BasisU1 class */
    using Hamiltonian_U1=danceq::internal::Operator<Basis,ScalarType,danceq::Hamiltonian>;

    /* Definition of the Hamiltonian class from the State class */
    using Hamiltonian_NoU1=danceq::internal::Operator<State,ScalarType,danceq::Hamiltonian>;

    /* Definition of the Lindbladian class from the BasisU1 class */
    using Lindbladian_U1=danceq::internal::Operator<Basis,ScalarType,danceq::Lindbladian>;

    /* Definition of the Lindbladian class from the State class */
    using Lindbladian_NoU1=danceq::internal::Operator<State,ScalarType,danceq::Lindbladian>;

    /* Definition of the ShellMatrix class from the Operator class */
    using SellMatrix_Hamiltonian_NoU1=danceq::internal::ShellMatrix<Hamiltonian_NoU1>;

    /* Definition of the ShellMatrix class from the Operator class */
    using SellMatrix_Lindbladian_U1=danceq::internal::ShellMatrix<Lindbladian_U1>;

    /* Definition of the ShellMatrix class from the Operator class */
    using SellMatrix_Lindbladian_NoU1=danceq::internal::ShellMatrix<Lindbladian_NoU1>;

    /* Definition of the ShellMatrix class from the Operator class */
    using SellMatrix_Hamiltonian_U1=danceq::internal::ShellMatrix<Hamiltonian_U1>;

    /* Definition of the Vector class */
    using Vector=danceq::internal::Vector<ScalarType>;

    /* Definition of the SparseMatrix class */
    using SparseMatrix=danceq::internal::SparseMatrix<ScalarType>;


These classes can be used within the code by simply providing the system size and particle number (if number conservation is desired):

/* everything is defined in the namespace danceq */
using namespace danceq;

/* system size */
uint64_t L = 10;

/* particle number */
uint64_t n = 5;

/* Lindbladian with number conservation */
Lindbladian_U1 = L_U1(L,n)

/* Lindbladian without number conservation */
Lindbladian_NoU1 = L_NoU1(L)

/* Hamiltonian with number conservation */
Hamiltonian_U1 = H_U1(L,n)

/* Hamiltonian without number conservation */
Hamiltonian_NoU1 = H_NoU1(L)

Additionally, we have defined the ShellMatrix to perform the matrix-free multiplication. Each type has an associated ShellMatrix in the danceq namespace: SellMatrix_Lindbladian_U1, SellMatrix_Lindbladian_NoU1, SellMatrix_Hamiltonian_U1, and SellMatrix_Hamiltonian_NoU1. Furthermore, we provide a SparseMatrix container, and our own implementation of a Vector class that is compatible with openMP and MPI.

Hierarchy of classes

Before we look at the different examples we introduce the most important classes included in DanceQ:

The State class defines the Basis class which defines the Operator class.

Class definitions

\(\qquad\qquad\qquad\) State class \(\quad\stackrel{\mathrm{defines}}{\Longrightarrow}\quad\) Basis class \(\quad\stackrel{\mathrm{defines}}{\Longrightarrow}\quad\) Operator

There are two important template parameters that have to be set at compile time:

  • N_max_site: The maximal number of sites. (Default: 128)

  • Q: The local Hilbert space dimension. (Default: 2)

We use using to define the classes:

/* The operator class includes all files */
#include "Operator.h"

/* Setting the maximal number of sites and local Hilbert space Q */
#define MaxSites 256
#define Q 2

/* Definition of the State class */
using State=danceq::internal::State<MaxSites,Q>;

/* Definition of the Basis class */
using Basis=danceq::internal::BasisU1<State>;

/* Definition of the Operator class with double */
using MyOperator=danceq::internal::Operator<Basis,double,Hamiltonian> ;

Alternatively, you can define the Operator class straight from the State class:

using Hamiltonian_NoU1=danceq::internal::Operator<State,double>;

In this case, the operator is acting on the Hilbert space of dimension \(Q^L\).


Compiling cpp code can be annoying but a quick google search solves most problems. Remember to set all the paths correctly! Once the code is compiled but it the program crashes or returns non-sense, you can use the debugging option that is available in all classes:

#define dbug_level 10; // 10 maximal debugging, 0 is no debugging


Many functions are returning an error_code which should be 0!

If you can not solve the problem, we are more than happy to help out! Please contact us via mail.