uint64_t danceq::internal::BasisU1::get_dim(uint64_t n_ = -1, uint64_t L_ = -1, uint64_t Q_ = state_class::template_struct::template_Q) const
Returns dimension of a specific sector.
Returns dimension of a system of size L_, particle number n_, and local Hilbert space dimension Q_. Default -1 sets length and particle number to the current length L and particle number n of this instance. The dimension is determined by Eq. (2):
\[D_{Q\_}(L\_,n\_) = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor n\_ / Q\_ \rfloor} (-1)^k\binom{L\_}{k}\binom{L\_-1+n\_-Q\_k}{L\_-1}\]- Parameters:
L_ – System size
n_ – Particle number
Q_ – Local Hilbert space dimension
- Returns:
Dimension of the sector
int32_t danceq::internal::BasisU1::info(void) const
Prints information about the class.
Prints information about the class such as basics parameters and current memory usage.
- Returns: