template<class ScalarType>
class SparseMatrix class provides a primitive tool handle sparse matrices.
Template parameters
class ScalarType: The primitive data type that is used to represent the matrix. The class allows real and complex types, e.g., double or std::complex<double>.
It is possible to evaluate the type using the danceq::is_complex<ScalarType> function:
ScalarType c; if constexpr (function_space::is_complex<ScalarType>()){ c.real(1.); c.imag(0.); } else { c = 1.; }
Things to know
The class does not provide any complex functionality and is mainly used by the Operator class to manage local tensor products.
It is only built for square matrices.
It only contains three data members, dim, range, and data, that provide full access to the matrix:
for(uint64_t i = 0UL; i < dim; i++){ for(uint64_t j = range[i]; j < range[i+1]; j++){ std::cout << "Element at (" << i << "," << data[j].first << "): " << data[j].second; } }
For a given row, the column elements in data are in ascending order.
The debugging level can be adjusted from 0 (no debugging) to 10 (maximal debugging):
#define dbug_level 10; // 10 maximal debugging, 0 is no debugging
Public Types
using scalartype = ScalarType
The ScalarType can be accessed via:
Public Functions
Default constructor with dimension zero.
SparseMatrix(const uint64_t dim_)
Constructor for the null matrix with the given dimension.
SparseMatrix(const std::vector<std::vector<ScalarType>> &matrix)
Constructor with dense matrix using
.- Parameters:
matrix – Dense matrix
SparseMatrix(const std::vector<uint64_t> &range_, const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>> &data_)
Constructor with given range and data.
The column indices of data_ have to be in ascending order for each row and match range_.
- Parameters:
range_ – range
data_ – data
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> operator*(const SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &other) const
Overloaded multiplication.
- Parameters:
other – Input matrix.
- Returns:
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> operator+(const SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &other) const
Overloaded addition.
- Parameters:
other – Input matrix.
- Returns:
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> operator-(const SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &other) const
Overloaded subtraction.
- Parameters:
other – Input matrix.
- Returns:
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &operator=(const SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &other)
Overloaded equality.
- Parameters:
other – Input matrix.
- Returns:
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> tensor_product(const SparseMatrix<ScalarType> &other) const
Tensor product between two matrices.
Returns the tensor product of this and other. The return matrix has the dimension this-> get_dim() times other. get_dim().
\[\mathrm{this} \otimes \mathrm{other}\]- Parameters:
other – Input matrix.
- Returns:
this X other
SparseMatrix<ScalarType> T(void) const
Returns the transpose of the matrix.
- Returns:
Transposed matrix of other
int32_t scale(ScalarType factor)
Scales matrix.
- Parameters:
factor – Factor for scaling
- Returns:
std::vector<uint64_t> get_range(void) const
Returns range.
Returns a copy of range.
- Returns:
std::vector<uint64_t> *get_range_ptr(void)
Returns pointer to range.
Returns a pointer to range.
- Returns:
Pointer to range.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>> *get_data_ptr(void)
Returns pointer to data.
Returns a pointer to data.
- Returns:
Pointer to data.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>> get_data(void) const
Returns pointer to data.
Returns a copy of data.
- Returns:
uint64_t get_dim(void) const
Returns dim.
Returns dim.
- Returns:
std::pair<typename std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator, typename std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator> get_data_iter_of_row(const uint64_t row) const
Returns const iterators marking the range of the given row.
mark the range of given row:uint64_t row = 42; const auto iter_pair = matrix.get_data_iter_of_row(row); for(auto iter = iter_pair.first; iter != iter_pair.second; iter++){ std::cout << "Row " << row << " has an entry in column " << iter->first << " with value " << iter->second << std::endl; }
- Parameters:
row – Row of interest
- Returns:
Pair of
std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator get_range_iter(const uint64_t row = 0UL) const
for range.The
points to the start in range of the given row.uint64_t row = 42; const auto iter = matrix.get_range_iter(row); uint64_t number_of_columns = *iter - *(iter+1); std::cout << "Row " << row << " has " << number_of_columns << " columns" << std::endl;
- Parameters:
row – Row of interest
- Returns:
of range
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator get_data_iter(const uint64_t offset = 0UL) const
for data.The
points to the data with a given offset.uint64_t row = 42; const auto iter_range = matrix.get_range_iter(row); const auto iter_data = matrix.get_data_iter(*iter_range); std::cout << "First element of row " << row << " is at column " << iter_data->first << " with a value " << iter_data->second << std::endl;
- Parameters:
offset – Offset of interest
- Returns:
of data
int32_t info(const bool show_data = false) const
Prints info.
Prints data like memory usage.
- Parameters:
show_data – Shows data if
- Returns:
int32_t print(const bool print_endl = true, const bool print_info = true) const
Prints the dense matrix.
If print_endl is
it adds a line break after each row. If print_info isfalse
it only prints the matrix without further text.- Parameters:
print_endl – Boolean to control output
print_info – Boolean to control output
- Returns:
uint64_t max_number_of_cols_per_row(void) const
Returns the maximal number columns in a single row.
- Returns:
int32_t set_diag_to_zero(void)
Sets the diagonal to zero.
.. math::
M_{i,i} = 0 \, ,\,\forall i
- Returns:
int32_t set_to_identity(const uint64_t new_dim = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1))
Sets the matrix to the identity.
.. math::
The default value of -1 corresponds to the current dimension.M_{i,i} = 1 \, ,\,\forall i M_{i,j} = 0 \, ,\,\text{ for } i \neq j
- Parameters:
new_dim – New dimension (Default: -1)
- Returns:
double get_norm(void) const
Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
\[\mathrm{norm} = \sqrt{\sum_{i,j} \vert a_{i,j}\vert^2}\]- Returns:
bool is_zero(void) const
Checks if all matrix elements are zero.
- Returns:
if all elements are zero otherwisefalse
bool is_hermitian(void) const
Checks if the matrix is hermitian (or symmetric if ScalarType is real).
\[a_{i,j} = \text{conj}\left({a_{j,i}}\right) \, ,\,\forall i,j\]- Returns:
if matrix is hermitian otherwisefalse
bool is_diagonal(void) const
Checks if the matrix is diagonal.
\[M_{i,j} = 0 \, ,\,\forall i\neq j\]- Returns:
if matrix is diagonal otherwisefalse
uint64_t get_nnz(void) const
Returns number of non-zero elements.
This is simply the size of data.
- Returns:
number of non-zero elements
std::vector<std::vector<ScalarType>> get_dense(void) const
Returns the dense matrix using
.- Returns:
Dense matrix
ScalarType get_element(const uint64_t row, const uint64_t col) const
Returns element at a certain position.
If the element does not exists zero is returned.
- Parameters:
row – Row
col – Column
- Returns:
bool is_element(const uint64_t row, const uint64_t col) const
Checks if element at a certain position.
- Parameters:
row – Row
col – Column
- Returns:
if element existsfalse
if it does not exists
std::vector<ScalarType> get_diag(void) const
Returns full diagonal of matrix.
- Returns:
Diagonal of size dim
uint64_t get_index(uint64_t row, uint64_t col) const
Returns position of an element in data.
Returns the index of an element in data. It is set -1 if the element is not present.
- Parameters:
row – Row
col – Column
- Returns:
Private Members
std::vector<uint64_t> range
Specifies the range to access data.
The range vector is of size dim+1 and defines the range of elements in data for each row:
uint64_t row = 42; for(uint64_t i = range[row]; i < range[row+1UL]; i++){ std::cout << "Row " << row << " has an entry in column " << data[i].first << " with value " << data[i].second << std::endl; }
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>> data
Stores the columns and respective values of the matrix.
The values assigned to a certain row can be accessed using range:
uint64_t row = 42; for(uint64_t i = range[row]; i < range[row+1UL]; i++){ std::cout << "Row " << row << " has an entry in column " << data[i].first << " with value " << data[i].second << std::endl; }
uint64_t dim
Dimension of the matrix.