Linear Algebra Routines
int32_t danceq::internal::Vector::scale(const T scalar)
Scales the vector by scalar.
- Parameters:
scalar – Scalar
- Returns:
int32_t danceq::internal::Vector::add(const Vector<T> &input)
Adds another vector input.
- Parameters:
input – Input vector
- Returns:
int32_t danceq::internal::Vector::add_and_scale(const Vector<T> &input, const T scalar)
Adds another vector input that is scaled by scalar.
- Parameters:
input – Input vector
scalar – Scalar to scale the input Input vector
- Returns:
T_real danceq::internal::Vector::get_norm(void) const
Returns the norm.
The norm is returned by the real* part of the template parameter T. If T* is real T_real and T are identical.
- Returns:
Overloaded operators
Vector<T> danceq::internal::Vector::operator+(const Vector<T> &input) const
Overloaded + operator.
Creates a New vector when calling \(C = A + B\).
- Parameters:
input – Input vector
- Returns:
New vector
Vector<T> danceq::internal::Vector::operator-(const Vector<T> &input) const
Overloaded + operator.
Creates a New vector when calling \(C = A - B\).
- Parameters:
input – Input vector
- Returns:
New vector
Vector<T> danceq::internal::Vector::operator*(const T scalar) const
Overloaded * operator to scale the vector.
Creates a New vector when calling \(B = s A\). Here, \(s\) is a scalar.
- Parameters:
scalar – Scalar
- Returns:
New vector
T danceq::internal::Vector::operator*(const Vector<T> &input) const
Overloaded * operator for the scalar product.
\[\sum_{i=0}^{\textbf{dim}-1} \texttt{std::conj}(a[i]) b[i]\]where \(A\) and \(B\) are vectors with entries \(a\) and \(b\), respectively.
- Parameters:
input – Input vector
- Returns:
inner product