template<uint64_t MaxSites = 128, uint64_t Q = 2, class IntType = uint64_t, uint64_t Nbits = get_Nbits_from_Q(Q), uint64_t NInt = (((8UL * sizeof(IntType)) / Nbits) + MaxSites - 1) / ((8UL * sizeof(IntType)) / Nbits)>
class State Primitive class to work with a system containing multiple qudits.
Template parameters
uint64_t MaxSites: Maximal number of sites that can be stored.
Default: 128
uint64_t Q: Local Hilbert space dimension of a single qudit: \(\vert\sigma_i\rangle = \vert 0 \rangle, \dots, \vert Q-1\rangle\).
Default: 2
class IntType: Primitive integer type to bitwise encode qudits.
Default: uint64_t
uint64_t Nbits: Number of bits to represent a single qudit, it has to fulfill \(2^{\textbf{Nbits}} \geq Q\).
Default: get_Nbits_from_Q(Q)
uint64_t NInt: Number of primitive integers stored in an array to store MaxSites, it has to fulfill \(\textbf{NInt}\cdot\texttt{sizeof}(\textbf{IntType})/\textbf{Nbits}\geq \textbf{MaxSites}\).
Default: \(\frac{((8\texttt{UL}\cdot\texttt{sizeof}(\textbf{IntType}))/\textbf{Nbits}) + \textbf{MaxSites} - 1}{(8UL*\texttt{sizeof}(\textbf{IntType}))/\textbf{Nbits}}\)
Things to know
There is a single data field defined by the template parameters: std::array<IntType,NInt>
Many functions are defined for an interval between start and end.
The State class provides two enumeration procedures with a complete set of functions including increment, decrement, get_index, and set_state_from_index. The enumeration refers to the integer counting with basis \(Q\):
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q}^{i-\textbf{start}}\]One set of functions conserves the total particle number:
\[\textbf{n} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \sigma_i\]More details can be found in Functions. The functions are less efficient than the BasisU1.
The State class allows different comparisons between instances: lesser, greater, and equal. These functions are either defined on the integer level and on the qudit level \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle\).
The debugging level can be adjusted from 0 (no debugging) to 10 (maximal debugging):
#define dbug_level 10; // 10 maximal debugging, 0 is no debugging
Public Types
using integer_type = IntType
Defines the IntType.
Public Functions
Default constructor.
Initializes a State instance where all sites are set to zero, \(\vert\sigma_i\rangle = \vert 0 \rangle\) for all \(i\).
State(const std::array<IntType, NInt> array_input, const bool check_data = true)
Constructor with
.Initializes a State instance by setting data to the array_input.
- Parameters:
array_input – Array input
check_data – Boolean to check input data (Default: true)
State(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input)
Copy constructor.
Initializes a State instance from state_input.
- Parameters:
state_input – State input
State(const uint64_t index, const uint64_t start, const uint64_t end)
Setting the State with integer counting.
Initializes a State instance such that the index is generated by interger counting of basis \(Q\) in the range start to end:
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q}^{i-\textbf{start}} \, .\]More information can be found here.
- Parameters:
index – Target index
start – Start of range
end – End of range
State(const uint64_t index, const IntType particle_number, const uint64_t start, const uint64_t end)
Setting a State with integer counting given the total particle number.
Initializes a State instance with a given particle number, particle_number, on sites start to end-1. index refers to the number of states with the same particle_number that encode a smaller integer obtained from the interger counting to the basis \(Q\).
\[\textbf{particle_number} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \,.\]More information can be found here.
- Parameters:
index – Target index
particle_number – Total particle number
start – Start of range
end – End of range
State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector)
Constructor from
.Initializes a State instance from an input vector: \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle = \textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
State(const std::initializer_list<IntType> &state_list)
Constructor from
.Initializes a State instance from a braced initializer list of the site states: \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle = \textbf{state_list}[i]\). Usage:
State s {0,1,1,0,1}; // creates state |01101>.
- Parameters:
state_list – braced initializer list
State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector, const uint64_t start)
Constructor with
with an offset.Initializes a State instance from an input vector with an offset start: \(\vert \sigma_{i+\textbf{start}}\rangle = \textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
start – Offset to initialize the state
State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector, const std::vector<uint64_t> &index_vector)
Constructor with
with an additional index vector.Initializes a State instance from an input vector and an indexing vector: \(\vert \sigma_{i+\textbf{index_vector}[i]}\rangle =\textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
index_vector – Index vector
uint64_t get_MaxSites(void) const
Returns MaxSites.
- Returns:
uint64_t get_Q(void) const
Returns Q.
- Returns:
uint64_t get_Nbits(void) const
Returns Nbits.
- Returns:
uint64_t get_NInt(void) const
Returns NInt.
- Returns:
uint64_t get_sizeof_IntType(void) const
Returns size of IntType.
- Returns:
size of IntType
int32_t info(void) const
Prints information about the State.
Prints the following information: MaxSites, Q, sizeof(IntType), Nbits, NInt, dbug_level, and states_per_IntType.
- Returns:
std::string get_string(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Generates an output string.
Returns an output string with states on sites start to end-1:
\[\vert \sigma_{\textbf{start}};\sigma_{\textbf{start}+1};\dots;\sigma_{\textbf{end}-1}\rangle\]- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
Output string
int32_t get_string_reference(std::string *output, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Generates an output string.
Overwrites the output string with states on sites start to end-1:
\[\vert \sigma_{\textbf{start}};\sigma_{\textbf{start}+1};\dots;\sigma_{\textbf{end}-1}\rangle\]- Parameters:
output – String pointer to store the output
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
std::string get_string(const std::vector<uint64_t> &pos) const
Generates an output string.
Returns an output string with states given by pos:
\[\vert \sigma_{\textbf{pos}[0]};\sigma_{\textbf{pos}[0]};\dots;\sigma_{\textbf{pos}[\textbf{pos}.\texttt{size}()-1]}\rangle\]- Parameters:
pos – Vector containing the sites
- Returns:
int32_t get_string_reference(std::string *output, const std::vector<uint64_t> &pos) const
Generates an output string.
Overwrites the output string with states given by pos:
\[\vert \sigma_{\textbf{pos}[0]};\sigma_{\textbf{pos}[0]};\dots;\sigma_{\textbf{pos}[\textbf{pos}.\texttt{size}()-1]}\rangle\]- Parameters:
output – String pointer to store the output
pos – Vector containing the sites
- Returns:
int32_t print(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Prints the State.
Prints State on within start and end-1.
- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t toggle(const uint64_t site_index)
Toggles a specific qudit.
Toggles the local state at site site_index:
\[\vert \sigma_{\textbf{site_index}} \rangle \rightarrow \vert Q - 1 - \sigma_{\textbf{site_index}}\rangle\]- Parameters:
site_index – Site to toggle
- Returns:
int32_t set_state(const IntType local_state, const uint64_t site_index)
Sets a specific site.
Sets the site to \(\vert \textbf{local_state}\rangle\).
- Parameters:
local_state – New local state
site_index – Site to modify
- Returns:
int32_t set_range(const IntType local_state, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites)
Sets a whole range.
Sets all sites from start to end-1 to \(\vert \textbf{local_state}\rangle\).
- Parameters:
local_state – New local state
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> operator>>(const uint64_t index)
Shifts all states by index to the right.
Shifts all local qudits \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle\) by index to the right:
\[\vert \sigma_i\rangle \rightarrow \vert \sigma_{i+\textbf{index}}\rangle\]States that are coming in from the left are set to \(\vert 0 \rangle\).
- Parameters:
index – Index to shift
- Returns:
Shifted state
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> operator<<(const uint64_t index)
Shifts all states by index to the left.
Shifts all local qudits \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle\) by index to the left:
\[\vert \sigma_i\rangle \rightarrow \vert \sigma_{i-\textbf{index}}\rangle\]States that are coming in from the right are set to \(\vert 0 \rangle\).
- Parameters:
index – Index to shift
- Returns:
Shifted state
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> operator&(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input) const
Bitwise operator &.
Applies the bitwise operator & to all integers in data.
- Parameters:
state_input – Input state
- Returns:
Output state
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> operator|(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input) const
Bitwise operator |.
Applies the bitwise operator | to all integers in data.
- Parameters:
state_input – Input state
- Returns:
Output state
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> operator~() const
Bitwise operator ~.
Applies the bitwise operator ~ to all integers in data.
- Returns:
Output state
const IntType operator[](uint64_t site_index) const
Reads the local state at a given site.
Returns state at site site_index, \(\vert \sigma_{\textbf{site_index}} \rangle\).
IntType local_state = state[site_index];
Only the return option of the operator [] is defined. Use the function set_state(…) to modify a specific site.
- Parameters:
site_index – Site to read
- Returns:
Local site
int32_t get_state(IntType *state_output, uint64_t site_index) const
Reads the local state at a given sites.
Returns state at site site_index, \(\vert \sigma_i \rangle\).
- Parameters:
state_output – IntType pointer for local state
site_index – Site to read
- Returns:
Shifted state
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> get_range(uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Returns a truncated State within a range.
Returns an instance of State truncated to start to end-1.
- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
Truncated state
int32_t get_range(State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> *output, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves a range of local states and writes them to a new State instance.
Writes an instance of State truncated to start to end-1 to output.
- Parameters:
output – Instance of State to store the truncated data
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t get_range(IntType *output, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = 1) const
Retrieves a range of local states and writes them to a single integer.
Writes the data defined on start to end-1 to output which is an Integer of type IntType.
This is only possible if \((\textbf{end}-\textbf{start})\cdot \textbf{Nbits} > \texttt{sizeof}(\textbf{IntType})\cdot 8\texttt{UL}\)
- Parameters:
output – Integer for bitwise data
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t get_range(std::vector<IntType> *output, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves a range of local states and writes them to a vector.
Writes the data defined on start to end-1 to output which is std::vector<IntType> .
- Parameters:
output – Vector to write the local states
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
bool operator>(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input) const
Compares two State instances.
The comparison is done on the level of the integers stored in data and not on the qudit level.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
- Returns:
if left side is greater, otherwisefalse
bool operator<(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input) const
Compares two State instances.
The comparison is done on the level of the integers stored in data and not on the qudit level.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
- Returns:
if left side is lesser, otherwisefalse
bool operator==(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input) const
Compares two State instances.
The comparison is done on the level of the integers stored in data and not on the qudit level.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
- Returns:
if both instances are equal, otherwisefalse
bool greater_state_level(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Compares two State instances on the qudit level.
The comparison is done on the qudit level and not with the integers stored in data.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
start – Start of range for comparison
end – End of range for comparison
- Returns:
if this->State is greater, otherwisefalse
bool lesser_state_level(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Compares two State instances on the qudit level.
The comparison is done on the qudit level and not with the integers stored in data.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
start – Start of range for comparison
end – End of range for comparison
- Returns:
if this->State is lesser, otherwisefalse
bool equal_state_level(const State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &state_input, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Compares two State instances on the qudit level.
The comparison is done on the qudit level and not with the integers stored in data.
- Parameters:
state_input – State to be compared
start – Start of range for comparison
end – End of range for comparison
- Returns:
if both states are equal, otherwisefalse
int32_t set_state_from_index_NoU1(const uint64_t index, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites)
Sets a State defined by an index without number conservation.
The state refers to the index with integer counting in the range start to end:
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q}^{i-\textbf{start}}\]The inverse function is get_index_NoU1.
- Parameters:
index – Index to be set
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t set_state_from_index_NoU1_IHQ(const uint64_t index, const std::vector<uint64_t> &Q_list, const uint64_t start = 0)
Sets a State defined by an index without number conservation and inhomogeneously distributed local Hilbert space dimensions.
The state refers to the index with integer counting in the range start to start+Q_list.size():
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q_list[i-start]}^{i-\textbf{start}}\]The inverse function is get_index_NoU1_IHQ. All entries in Q_list have to be within 1 and Q.
- Parameters:
index – Index to be set
Q_list – List of local Hilbert space dimensions
start – Start of range
- Returns:
uint64_t get_index_NoU1_IHQ(const std::vector<uint64_t> &Q_list, const uint64_t start = 0) const
Retrieves an index from the State for with inhomogeneously distributed local Hilbert space dimensions.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to Q_list.size():
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{start}+\textbf{Q_list.size()}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q_list[i]}^{i-start}\]The inverse function is set_state_from_index_NoU1_IHQ. All entries in Q_list have to be within 1 and Q.
- Parameters:
Q_list – List of local Hilbert space dimensions
start – Start of range
- Returns:
int32_t get_index_NoU1_IHQ(uint64_t *output, const std::vector<uint64_t> &Q_list, const uint64_t start = 0) const
Retrieves an index from the State for with inhomogeneously distributed local Hilbert space dimensions.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to Q_list.size():
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{start}+\textbf{Q_list.size()}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q_list[i]}^{i-start}\]The inverse function is set_state_from_index_NoU1_IHQ. All entries in Q_list have to be within 1 and Q.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
Q_list – List of local Hilbert space dimensions
start – Start of range
- Returns:
uint64_t get_index_NoU1(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves an index from the State.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to end:
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q}^{i-start}\]The inverse function is set_state_from_index_NoU1.
- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t get_index_NoU1(uint64_t *output, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves index from the State.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to end:
\[\textbf{index} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \quad \sigma_i \cdot\textbf{Q}^{i-start}\]This is the inverse function to set_state_from_index_NoU1.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t increment_NoU1(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites, bool *overflow = nullptr)
Incrementing the State without number conservation.
The state is set to its increment defined by integer counting in the range start to end. The function is equivalent to (but more efficient):
state.set_state_from_index_NoU1(get_index_NoU1(start, end) + 1, start, end);
If overflow is given, it is set to
if the state jumps from its maximal index, \(Q^{\textbf{end}-\textbf{start}}-1\), to the minimal index, \(0\).- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
overflow – Pointer to register overflow
- Returns:
int32_t decrement_NoU1(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites, bool *underflow = nullptr)
Decrementing the State without number conservation.
The state is set to its decrement defined by integer counting in the range start to end. The function is equivalent to (but more efficient):
state.set_state_from_index_NoU1(get_index_NoU1(start, end) - 1, start, end);
If underflow is given, it is set to
if the state jumps from its minimal index, \(0\), to the maximal index, \(Q^{\textbf{end}-\textbf{start}}-1\).- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
underflow – Pointer to register underflow
- Returns:
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &operator++()
Incrementing the State without number conservation over the whole range.
The state is set to its increment defined by integer counting in the range \(\textbf{start}=0\) to \(\textbf{end}=\textbf{MaxSites}\). The function calls increment_NoU1(0, MaxSites).
State<MaxSites, Q, IntType, Nbits, NInt> &operator--()
Decrementing the State without number conservation over the whole range.
The state is set to its decrement defined by integer counting in the range \(\textbf{start}=0\) to \(\textbf{end}=\textbf{MaxSites}\). The function calls decrement_NoU1(0, MaxSites).
uint64_t get_particle_number(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Returns the total particle number within a given range.
The particle number within the range start and end is defined by
\[\textbf{particle_number} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \sigma_i\,.\]- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
Particle number
int32_t get_particle_number_reference(IntType *output, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Returns the total particle number within a given range.
The particle number within the range start and end is defined by
\[\textbf{particle_number} = \sum_{i=\textbf{start}}^{\textbf{end}-1} \sigma_i\,.\]- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t set_state_from_index_U1(const uint64_t index, const IntType num = -1, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites)
Sets a State defined by an index with number conservation.
The state refers to the index with number conservation in the range start to end. This is the inverse function of get_index_U1. The particle number can be set by num. Its default value is -1 which takes the current particle number, get_particle_number(start, end), as an input.
- Parameters:
index – Index to be set
num – Particle number sector
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
uint64_t get_index_U1(const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves index from the State.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to end with additional number conservation. This is the inverse function of set_state_from_index_U1.
- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t get_index_U1(uint64_t *output, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites) const
Retrieves index from the State.
The index is obtained by the integer counting in the range start to end with additional number conservation. This is the inverse function of set_state_from_index_U1.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for the output
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t increment_U1(uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites, bool *overflow = nullptr)
Incrementing the State with number conservation.
The state is set to its increment defined by integer counting in the range start to end and the current particle number.
If overflow is given, it is set to
if the state jumps from its maximal index to the minimal index.- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
overflow – Pointer to register overflow
- Returns:
int32_t decrement_U1(uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites, bool *underflow = nullptr)
Decrementing the State with number conservation.
The state is set to its decrement defined by integer counting in the range start to end and the current particle number.
If underflow is given, it is set to
if the state jumps from its minimal index to the maximal index.- Parameters:
start – Start of range
end – End of range
underflow – Pointer to register underflow
- Returns:
int32_t set_minimal(const IntType number, const uint64_t start = 0, const uint64_t end = MaxSites)
Sets the minimal State for a given number sector.
- Parameters:
number – Number of the sector
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
int32_t set_maximal(IntType n, uint64_t start = 0, uint64_t end = MaxSites)
Sets the maximal State for a given number sector.
- Parameters:
n – Number of the sector
start – Start of range
end – End of range
- Returns:
uint64_t hash(void) const
Hash function.
The function is used by struct HashFunction that allows the usage of std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map:
- Returns:
int32_t check_data(void)
Evaluation data of state.
The functions checks if the state is valid.
- Returns:
0 (valid state) or 1 (non-valid state)
Public Static Functions
static uint64_t get_dim_NoU1(const uint64_t length = MaxSites)
Returns the dimension for a given length without number conservation.
Simply returns \(Q^{\textbf{length}}\).
The limit is determined by the upper bound of uint64_t.
- Parameters:
length – Length of the range
- Returns:
static int32_t get_dim_NoU1(uint64_t *dim, uint64_t length)
Returns the dimension for a given length without number conservation.
Simply returns \(Q^{\textbf{length}}\).
The limit is determined by the upper bound of uint64_t.
- Parameters:
dim – Pointer for output
length – Length of the range
- Returns:
static uint64_t get_dim_NoU1_IHQ(const std::vector<uint64_t> &Q_list)
Returns the dimension with inhomogeneously distributed local Hilbert space dimensions.
Simply returns
\[\textbf{dim} = \prod_{i=0}^{\textbf{Q_list.size()}-1} \textbf{Q_list[i]}\,.\]Note
The limit is determined by the upper bound of uint64_t.
- Parameters:
Q_list – List of local Hilbert space dimensions
- Returns:
static int32_t get_dim_NoU1_IHQ(uint64_t *dim, const std::vector<uint64_t> &Q_list)
Returns the dimension with inhomogeneously distributed local Hilbert space dimensions.
Simply returns
\[\textbf{*dim} = \prod_{i=0}^{\textbf{Q_list.size()}-1} \textbf{Q_list[i]}\,.\]Note
The limit is determined by the upper bound of uint64_t.
- Parameters:
dim – Pointer for output
Q_list – List of local Hilbert space dimensions
- Returns:
static uint64_t get_dim_U1(const uint64_t number, const uint64_t length = MaxSites, const uint64_t Q_ = Q)
Returns the dimension of a specific sector with number conservation.
The dimension of a particle number sector for a system of size length and a local Hilbert space dimension Q__ with a total of number excitations is obtained by the Eq. (2).
The method produces overflow errors due the alternating sign in the equation for large values.
- Parameters:
number – Number sector
length – Size of the system
Q_ – Local Hilbert space dimension
- Returns:
static int32_t get_dim_U1(uint64_t *dimension, const uint64_t number, const uint64_t length = MaxSites, const uint64_t Q__ = Q, bool print_warning = true)
Returns the total dimension of a specific sector with number conservation.
The dimension of a particle sector of size length and a local Hilbert space dimension Q__ with number excitations is obtained by the Eq. (2) from the paper.
The method produces overflow errors due the alternating sign in the equation for large dimensions. If print_warning is
warnings are printed if an overflow is detected.- Parameters:
dimension – Pointer for the output
number – Number sector
length – Size of the system
Q__ – Local Hilbert space dimension
print_warning – Prints the warning if
- Returns:
Public Static Attributes
static const bool is_State = true
Needed for specification.
Private Functions
int32_t get_MaxSites(uint64_t *output) const
Returns MaxSites.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
- Returns:
int32_t get_Q(uint64_t *output) const
Returns Q.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
- Returns:
int32_t get_Nbits(uint64_t *output) const
Returns Nbits.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
- Returns:
int32_t get_NInt(uint64_t *output) const
Returns NInt.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
- Returns:
int32_t get_sizeof_IntType(uint64_t *output) const
Returns size of IntType.
- Parameters:
output – Pointer for output
- Returns:
Private Members
std::array<IntType, NInt> data
Data member for bitwise storage.
Each \(\vert\sigma_i\rangle\) is bitwise stored using an array of the primitive integer type IntType. A local site is encoded in Nbits bits. Each integer encodes \(M=\) ( sizeof ( IntType ) \(\cdot 8\) ) / Nbits qudits.
Memory alignment:
Block \(M-1\)
Block 1
Block 0
struct HashFunction
Struct for the hash function.
The struct is used for std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map.
std::unordered_set<State, typename State::HashFunction> myuSet; std::unordered_map<State, uint64_t, typename State::HashFunction> myuMap;
struct template_struct
Struct to use the template parameters.
The struct can be used to access the template parameters without an instance of the State class. This can also be used for constexpr.
uint64_t Q = State::template_struct::template_Q;
Public Static Attributes
static const uint64_t template_MaxSites = MaxSites
Template MaxSites.
static const uint64_t template_Q = Q
Template Q.
static const uint64_t template_Nbits = Nbits
Template Nbits.
static const uint64_t template_NInt = NInt
Template NInt.
static const uint64_t sizeof_IntType = static_cast<uint64_t>(sizeof(IntType))
Size of IntType.
static const uint64_t template_MaxSites = MaxSites
Additional function
constexpr uint64_t danceq::internal::get_Nbits_from_Q(const uint64_t Q)
Calculating the minimal number of bits to encode Q states,.
Function returns the minimal number of bits needed to represent \(Q\) states:
\[2^{\textbf{Nbits}} \geq Q\]- Parameters:
Q – Local Hilbert space dimension
- Returns: