
std::pair<typename std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator, typename std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator> danceq::internal::SparseMatrix::get_data_iter_of_row(const uint64_t row) const

Returns const iterators marking the range of the given row.

The const_iterator mark the range of given row:

uint64_t row = 42;
const auto iter_pair = matrix.get_data_iter_of_row(row);

for(auto iter = iter_pair.first; iter != iter_pair.second; iter++){

    std::cout << "Row " << row << " has an entry in column " << iter->first << " with value " << iter->second << std::endl;



row – Row of interest


Pair of const_iterator

std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator danceq::internal::SparseMatrix::get_range_iter(const uint64_t row = 0UL) const

Returns const_iterator for range.

The const_iterator points to the start in range of the given row.

uint64_t row = 42;
const auto iter = matrix.get_range_iter(row);
uint64_t number_of_columns =  iter - *(iter+1);

std::cout << "Row " << row << " has " << number_of_columns << " columns" << std::endl;


row – Row of interest


const_iterator of range

std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, ScalarType>>::const_iterator danceq::internal::SparseMatrix::get_data_iter(const uint64_t offset = 0UL) const

Returns const_iterator for data.

The const_iterator points to the data with a given offset*.

uint64_t row = 42;
const auto iter_range = matrix.get_range_iter(row);
const auto iter_data = matrix.get_data_iter( iter_range);

std::cout << "First element of row " << row << " is at column " << iter_data->first << " with a value " << iter_data->second << std::endl;


offset – Offset of interest


const_iterator of data