Constructors with std::vector
danceq::internal::State::State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector)
Constructor from
.Initializes a State instance from an input vector: \(\vert \sigma_i\rangle = \textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
danceq::internal::State::State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector, const uint64_t start)
Constructor with
with an offset.Initializes a State instance from an input vector with an offset start: \(\vert \sigma_{i+\textbf{start}}\rangle = \textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
start – Offset to initialize the state
danceq::internal::State::State(const std::vector<IntType> &state_vector, const std::vector<uint64_t> &index_vector)
Constructor with
with an additional index vector.Initializes a State instance from an input vector and an indexing vector: \(\vert \sigma_{i+\textbf{index_vector}[i]}\rangle =\textbf{state_vector}[i]\).
- Parameters:
state_vector – State vector
index_vector – Index vector